March 4, 2025 12:02 PM

Elle Macpherson Diet: Supermodel Explains The Benefits Of Alkaline Diet, Does The Alkaline Diet Really Work?

Elle Macpherson diet - How does one get the supermodel body like Elle Macpherson? For one, it doesn't take much work but just a healthy diet that consists of alkaline based food. Here's everything to know about Elle Macpherson's diet plus if it really works.

At 50, Elle Macpherson is the embodiment of health and beauty. However, for the model turned business women, getting the healthy body wasn't easy. Elle Macpherson's diet along with her lifestyle had changed radically. Two years ago, Macpherson admitted she reached a point where her diet didn't start to work. This was when her doctor Simone Laubscher had introduced Macpherson to the alkaline diet.

There's nothing much complicated about Elle Macpherson's diet which basically consists of 80 percent alkaline and 20 percent acid food. This creates the optimum pH balance for a healthy body.

"I realise now that we can easily get into a rut of doing the same thing, expecting different results. I noticed changes in just two weeks: I had more vitality, my skin wasn't dry, I stopped craving sugar, my mood stabilised, everything became more balanced. A welcome by-product was losing weight around my middle," stated Macpherson.

In addition to Elle Macpherson's diet consisting of alkaline rich food, the supermodel has also come up with a super elixir. Macpherson spoke to Yahoo Beauty about the super elixir that her dietician had come up with to help curb the sugar cravings.

"She worked to balance out the PH levels in my body, and gave me this super green powder to help balance out the acid build-up in my body. Together we started tweaking it to make the optimum formula, which is now my Super Elixir. My body felt so much better. My sugar cravings diminished, I had more energy. It was a big change," stated Macpherson.

Obviously, Elle Macpherson's diet has worked wonders. Even at the age of 50, Elle is the icon of beauty and health all thanks to her alkaline diet.

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