March 29, 2025 14:06 PM

Philippine News Headlines: Poverty Rate Climbing As Corrupt Politicians And Police Force Keep Denying Ill-Gotten Wealth

Philippine news headlines - Poverty in the country continues to be on the rise specifically in children. A recent study made by the Philippine Institute for Developmental Studies showed that the rate of child poverty continues to grow. This has occurred in the midst of the hearings and investigations on corrupt Philippine government officials and police officers.

"Poverty in the country, whether in terms of income or deprivation in amenities as basic as water and sanitation, is largely a rural phenomenon. Three out of 4 income poor children are living in the rural areas. Eight (seven) of ten who are severely deprived of sanitary toilet (safe water) are found in rural areas," stated the study done by the Philippine Institute for Developmental Studies.

In other Philippine news headlines, corrupt government officials continue to deny the allegations. The latest involves Sen. Bong Revilla Jr. whose wealth has reached P87.6 million. Aside from the government official, the head of the Philippine National Police General Alan Purisima is also under fire for alleged ill-gotten wealth.

Apart from corruption and poverty gaining attention in Philippine news headlines, the revival of the capital punishment being death penalty is under debate. Joining in on the debate is the Council of Europe and the EU.

"The European Union and Council of Europe call on all Members of the United Nations to support the Resolution on a moratorium on the use of the death penalty which will be put to vote at the 69th session of the UN General Assembly in December 2014," stated the note.

With regards to the Philippine news headlines on the alleged corrupt head of police, Philippine President Benigno Aquino has continued to dole out support. Whereas on the Philippine news headlines on debate over death penalty, the Philippine President has maintained opposition against the capital punishment.

Philippines, Death penalty
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