October 23, 2024 03:02 AM

Lunar Eclipse Oct. 2014: Rise of ISIS, Ebola Virus Prophecies Fulfilled After First Blood Moon of Year

The just concluded lunar eclipse, popularly known as the blood moon, witnessed by millions of sky-watchers last Wednesday might not just be an ordinary astronomical event but a message from God about a coming cataclysm.

In a latest article on WorldNet Daily, Pastor Mark Biltz talked about the Biblical significance of the four blood moons in a span of two years (tetrad) and the fulfillment of prophecies that would come follow after these events.

"The one coming the morning of Oct. 8 ... is also a rarity among the rarities! The Creator of the Universe says He created the sun and the moon to send signals to us on His Feast days. We need to look up and pay attention to what he is trying to tell us,!" according to Blitz.

WND then backed up Blitz's comments by sending an email detailing the ominous events such as the rise of the Islamic State and the emergence of Ebola virus in Africa that happened right after the first blood moon appearance in April.

"If Wednesday morning's total lunar eclipse - the second so-called blood moon - is indeed a "culminating signal that God is closing this chapter of human history," then consider history's path since the last blood moon occurred in April:

"The death toll from the newly identified Ebola virus had not yet reached 150, all in Liberia and Guinea ... far from the United States. Early reports of crucifixions and other atrocities in Syria did not yet have the labels ISIL, ISIS or IS in most people's minds," according to WND.

Meanwhile, respected Astrologer Susan Miller told Time.com about other calamities that could strike the earth, thought it might be a bit gentler than the events that followed after the April 15 blood moon.

"It's called a blood moon, but I don't want people to be agitated by that," popular astrologer Susan Miller tells TIME. And while the April 15 lunar eclipse signaled a time of conflict and even tragedy - Miller notes that was the day day Boko Haram kidnapped 276 schoolgirls in Nigeria and the day before a South Korean ferry capsized leaving 300 dead and missing - "this one is much more gentle."

The last two total lunar eclipses of this rare tetrad will happen on April 4 and Sept. 28 of 2015. According to NASA, the next lunar tetrad will take place between 2032 and 2033.

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