February 25, 2025 09:32 AM

‘Dexter’ TV Fan Chops Girlfriend Into Pieces; Obsessed Teen’s Terrible Act of Murder [VIDEO+REPORT]

"Dexter" TV series inspire a 16 year-old teen to kill and dismember his 17 year-old girlfriend in his parent's home in Oxted, Surrey.

The murderer identified as Steven Miles stabbed his girlfriend, Elizabeth Thomas to death in his own bedroom and cut her body into pieces in his own bedroom. Pleading guilty to the killing, Miles was sentenced by Judge Christopher Critchlow to spend his remaining years in prison with a possibility of parole after 25 years. The heartbreaking death of Thomas in the hands of her boyfriend is insisted by the killer as something that his alter-ego has ordered him to do.

Miles, who began dating Thomas on October 2013 was actually diagnosed with autism. In 2012, his parents brought him in a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team after they discovered that he's been harming himself. During his stay with the mental health team, the "Dexter"-obsessed TV fan confess to his psychotherapist about him hearing voices of his alter-ego, Ed; however, a diagnosis of anxiety has been made instead of psychosis.

Pleading guilty over the terrible act of murder, the teen killer recalls using the saw from his father's tree business to cut his girlfriend's body parts. Miles then wrapped the limbs in plastic and put it under his bed. According to his lawyer, Lewis Power, QC, the gruesome murder has been inspired by Dexter Morgan, a TV character who works as a forensic officer who also lives a life of a secret serial killer.

Miles, who is obsessed with the character reportedly talk to a previous girlfriend saying that his personality will show more similarities with that of Dexter. During his arrest, authorities were able to recover a box set of the said series in his bedroom. During the time of the murder, it was learned that the suspect is also reading about the fictional serial killer, Dr. Hannibal Lecter.

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