March 27, 2025 08:24 AM

35,000 Walruses Migrate to Alaska; Massive Mammal Population Displaced from Natural Habitat [VIDEO+REPORT]

35,000 walruses in Alaska have gone ashore on Saturday as the ice in the Arctic brought by global warming starts to melt.

A massive population of the said mammals has reach the beach of a nearby village of Point Lay, on the Chukchi Sea in northwest Alaska. Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) were able to photograph the large gathering during the agency's annual aerial survey. During the survey, scientists have also spotted about 50 dead animals from its total population.

The sudden movement of the animals from their usual ice habitats to the shore of the beach is reportedly brought by the ongoing change in nature. 35,000 walruses in Alaska are left with no choice, but to come to the shore after the warm water from the North Pacific Ocean continues to melt the ice in the Arctic. The ice actually serves as the resting place for the said animals wherein the female mammals also gives birth on.

The ice also serves as a diving platform for the said mammals when they are looking for their food. With the absence of the ice, walruses will have a very difficult time to survive; that is why 35, 000 of the said species reached for the shores of Alaska in order to continue with their survival especially the female ones. Saturday's phenomenon is not the first time that a large number of the said animals tried to reach the land. According to a CNN report, the NOAA released a statement revealing that in 2011; about 30,000 have also come ashore while there were 10,000 of them in 2013.

Scientists believe that it is the climate change that greatly contributes to the animals' migration. If global warming is not prevented, it's not just the 35,000 walruses in Alaska that will face problems in terms of their natural habitat.

Global warming, Climate change
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