March 31, 2025 12:19 PM

Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever News: Ebola Case Confirmed In Texas, What Are Symptoms Of The Ebola Virus?

Ebola hemorrhagic fever news includes the latest on the Ebola virus confirmed to have infected at least one person in Texas, United States. The patient had left Liberia, a country that had over 2,000 people killed due to the Ebola virus, and arrived in Texas September 19. Patient X showed no symptoms following his arrival but were only active after four days. What exactly are the symptoms of being infected with Ebola Virus?

The latest Ebola hemorrhagic fever news has startled the United States. Given the reports by Reuters stating the Ebola virus has already killed 3,000 people, residents in the US cannot help but feel endangered following the Ebola outbreak and scare currently in the news.

However, CDC (Centers of Disease Control and Prevention) claimed they would contain the Ebola virus. With regards to the Ebola hemorrhagic fever news of the patient in Texas, CDC Director Tom Frieden spoke in a press conference on Tuesday.

"I have no doubt that we will control this case of Ebola so that it does not spread. It is only spread by direct contact with somebody. It's only someone who is sick with Ebola who can spread the disease," stated Frieden.

Additional Ebola hemorrhagic fever news involving the patient from Texas, state that anyone who had come into contact would be in close isolation and monitoring. Concerning Ebola hemorrhagic fever news, what exactly are the symptoms of the deadly Ebola virus?

Persons infected with Ebola virus show the following symptoms:
- Fever that is greater than 38.6°C
- Muscle pain
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Stomach pain
- Weakness
- Severe headache
- Unexplained bleeding or bruising

Symptoms of those infected with the Ebola virus may appear between 2-21 days after their exposure to Ebola. Ebola may spread through direct contact with the infected persons' blood and body fluids, syringes that had been contaminated by the virus and through infected animals.

Ebola outbreak, Texas, United States, Ebola virus
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