March 9, 2025 15:29 PM

Six Flags Fight: Involving 200 Kids, Six Flags America’s ‘Fright Fest’ Turns To ‘Fight Fest’, Violence Organized Via Twitter?

A massive Six Flags fight broke out at Six Flags America 10 p.m. on Saturday involving as many as 200 kids, according to social media posts and a woman who spoke with ABC7 News. A fire department spokesman has confirmed three people injured after Six Flag's Halloween event "Fright Fest" turned into a Six Flags "Fight Fest."

Park visitors started with the 911 calls at 8:50 p.m., reports the Washington Post. The callers reported quite a number of fights inside and outside the park.

Mark Brady, Prince George's County fire spokesman said authorities were called in to handle the large crowd which have gathered due to the immense Six Flags fight.

As parents arrived on the scene of the Six Flags fights to search for their children, a horde of teenagers lined the park's perimeter on Central Avenue. Patrons were at the same time pouring out of Six Flags and filled the parking lot, said Brady.

The fire spokesman added that while two teens were taken to a hospital, all other injuries resulting from the Six Flags fight were considered non-life-threatening.

Fox 5 was contacted by one family whose kids had been involved. They shared to the news station a video showing how one horrifying scene from the brawl left a 15-year-old with scratch marks on her face.

A parent named Katrina Walker also shared her experience of the Six Flags fight.

"It was panic, mayhem, chaos," said the mom who had dropped off her son and his two friends at the park to celebrate his 15th birthday.

"Everyone was fearful . . . parents were very scared because we had no idea if our children were hurt or if they got in the middle of something," she added.

A former nursing student and Navy veteran from Stafford County named Margo Hodge, was also at Six Flags with her husband when the fights broke out Saturday night. The couple reportedly left the park 8:30 p.m. when they saw the Six Flags fight escalating.

"There were literally mobs of 20 to 30 kids per group and there was just constant fighting," said Hodge. "There was a handful of security officers, but they had no control of the situation."

There were some teenagers who went towards their car, removed their shirts and yelled obscenities with the word "purge." Hodge also said that she and her husband saw someone with a knife.

When Hodge saw a boy fall facedown in the crowd, she rushed over to help the boy and found out he was bloody, bruised and missing his front teeth.

Another mother who had been witness to the chaos of the Six Flags fight said their night of family fun unfortunately turned into a nightmare. The mother of four asked not to be identified, according to the Associated Press.

"It was absolutely horrific. There were huge massive groups that you could not even stop when they're running past you, you're holding to the side letting them go because there are so many kids." she told ABC7.

The woman added that at first she only saw a group of teenagers of around 100 to 150. Then she realized a group of teenage girls were getting ready for the Six Flags fight.

She also tried to stop the violence, but the girls tried to attack her. She added that there had been at least 6 fights in total on Saturday.

"As I'm trying to get my kids out, my daughter who is six years old, gets hit in the head by some other kids that were fighting. It was crazy and nobody could give us answers," said the witness.

The teens also apparently continued running around the park trying to ward off security and police officers.

Meanwhile, authorities said they are investigating reports claiming that the teens used social media to plan how to turn the annual Halloween event into a Six Flags "Fight Fest."

"I hope nobody don't fight at six flags, but I already gotta feeling they are," posted one Twitter user.

Authorities are currently looking into Twitter and Facebook posts to find out how the fights started.

Maj. Major Raphael Grant, commander of the Regional Investigation Division said the Prince George's police have not yet made any arrests in connection to the Six Flags fight, though authorities reportedly believe that some park visitors may have planned the violence on Saturday.

"We haven't eliminated anything," Grant said. He added that the exact number of fights that night is still unknown.

A spokeswoman for Six Flags America released a statement saying that "reports of a large fight or other serious injuries are completely inaccurate." Apart from confirming one guest injured during the Six Flags fights, the statement did not mention any other injuries.

"The safety and security of our guests is always our number one priority," said Six Flags America spokeswoman Havilah R. Ross in a statement.

"Steps are being taken to increase security by working closely with local law enforcement; increasing the number of dedicated security personnel within the park, in the parking lot as well as along Central Avenue; and continuing to enforce a zero tolerance policy for anyone violating our published code of conduct," she added.

The massive Six Flags fight was described as an "isolated incident" by the Ross. She added that "Fright Fest," which is scheduled to run every weekend through Nov. 2, will continue.

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