March 6, 2025 22:31 PM

Hippo In Chicago River Gives Rise To Lake Monster Theories: Was It Really A Hippo Recorded Swimming Or Another Case Of Photoshop?

A video posted on YouTube by user Chris O is garnering a number of views. The video shows an alleged "hippo" in Chicago River. However, the suspected hippo certainly could not have been living in the river without catching the attention of boat riders. This has also given rise to a number of theories that it could be a lake monster or that the video was simply photoshopped.

The Chicago waterway is the perfect summer destination given the number of watercraft tours. However, the number of Chicago boat tours are sure to increase this time around following a video of a swimming hippo in Chicago River.

YouTube user Chris O. has uploaded a 27-second video that shows something swimming in the Chicago River. The video has such low resolution that's entirely impossible to distinguish the object or animal captured in the video floating on the surface before diving in again. Chris O. claimed it was a swimming hippo in Chicago River.

While some users claim the video was obviously photoshopped, a number of reports claim this could somehow be connected with the Loch Ness Monster of England and the lake monster videotaped in Iceland. Both theories now suggest the hippo in Chicago River could also be just another lake/river monster.

As for the hippo in Chicago River video, Chicago Police Department officer Jose Estrada claims the object seen swimming in the river could unlikely be a hippo or any other wild animal for that matter.

"There have been no reports of wild animals roaming the streets or the rivers of Chicago," stated Officer Estrada.

The theories of the swimming hippo in Chicago River continue to be a discussion online. Other theories regarding lake monsters photographed and videotaped in England and Iceland are also being widely discussed on the Web. Now, Chicago River is part of the so-called lake monster theory.

England, Iceland, Chicago
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