March 26, 2025 11:24 AM

iPhone 6 Dropped: On Live TV, First Buyer Drops iPhone 6 During Launch In Perth, Australia [VIDEO]

In Britain on the other hand, people are queuing in front of Apple's Covent Garden store despite their options of an online pre-order and a reservation option in-store.

It seems that many in Britain bought more than one of the new iPhone 6 and it is reportedly likely that many of these will get resold online. The Guardian said Auctions on eBay have already whopping £870 offers for the 128GB gold model of the iPhone 6, which only sells on Apple for less than £170.

iPhone 6 dropped is one of the worst mistakes anyone could make - in a world with expensive yet sensitive gadgetry. But in Cooksey's defence, the new iPhone's box is reportedly tough to open and one cannot take a hold of the bottom unless the top is wiggled off.

IPhone 6
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