March 12, 2025 16:26 PM

GreenLight WorldFlight takes off

From Slovenia, a Central European country at the juncture of the Alps and the Mediterranean, on January 8 2012, the Virus SW ultra-light plane has set out on a two-month journey around the world.

On January 20, pilot Matevz Lenarcic set off from San Marcos Muni, Texas, and, after 1,690 km (1,050 miles), he will land in Calexico, California.

Weighing merely 290 kilos (640 pounds), this plane, which uses a minimum amount of fuel, was constructed by the Slovenian manufacturer, Pipistrel, a recurrent winner of the NASA award for top energy-efficient planes. The Virus-SW914 ultra-light plane can fly 4,000 kilometers (2,485 miles) with 350 liters (92 gallons) of fuel and flies mostly at an altitude of 3,500 meters (11,483 feet), where fuel consumption is lowest. During the flight, the plane is able to perform measurements of black carbon, the greatest greenhouse agent next to carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere. These readings will contribute significantly to our understanding of the greenhouse effect and will be carried out in many places for the first time ever.

From Slovenia, across Africa to North and South America and the Antarctic and over to Australia and Asia, over Mount Everest and India and back home again, the plane is piloted by Matevz Lenarcic, a biologist, photographer, and nature protectionist. On his journey around the world, he will visit over 50 countries and fly over the equator 6 times, altogether covering almost 100,000 kilometers (62,000 miles).

Matevz Lenarcic said: "The world is not as big and indestructible as it seems. It is worth seeing it in all its diversity. Physical conditions enabling the life of humans are in a very fragile balance on our planet. The substrate of our survival can be preserved only by those who are aware. The GreenLight WorldFlight shows the possible development of the thinking of new generations - away from the epic victories or huge technological achievements with the purpose of subordination. The future lies in moderation, cooperation, and balance. That is why I will use a small, ultra-light aircraft with the minimum use of fuel on a journey around our only planet."

He is accompanied, in mind and heart, by all of Slovenia and its National Tourist Board. Everywhere the brave pilot lands with his environmentally-friendly plane, he brings with him the best wishes of the citizens of this green and welcoming country, and especially, a country that takes care of the planet and global friendship.

You can follow the pilot,Matevz Lenarcic, at where his team is regularly posting his impressions about the journey and photographs taken during the flight. You may also email Domen Grauf, GreenLight WorldFlight team at .

For more information about Slovenia, visit: or email Lucija Jager, Slovenian Tourist Board, .

PHOTO: Think small - think light - think green / Photo from

MEDIA CONTACT: Lucija Jager, Project Manager, Global Public Relations, Slovenian Tourist Board, Dimičeva ulica 13, SI - 1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1 589 85 78, +386 1 589 85 60, Email:

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