March 31, 2025 13:38 PM

Pakistan Politician Plane Delay: Two Politicians Kicked Off Plane By Passengers In Pakistan, Flight’s Two-Hour Delay Because Of ‘VIP Culture’? [VIDEO]

Pakistan politician plane delay footage showing a group of furious passengers on a Pakistan International Airline (PIA) flight from Karachi has gone viral. According to multiple reports, the Pakistan politician plane delay video is famous amongst many Pakistanis recently since the incident was a perfect example of passenger democracy inside an aircraft.

According to The Independent, the PIA flight this week was delayed by two hours because two Pakistani politicians failed to show up on time. The passengers have apparently had it with the "VIP" treatment therefore they prevented the two officials from boarding.

The Public Radio International reports that the flight crew claimed the delay was not due to the Pakistan politician plane delay incident, but that it was because of technical difficulties. However, it was more apparent that the incident was the politicians' fault as when the two government officials stepped on the plane, the flight was suddenly ready to leave.

It seems that the Pakistan politician plane delay situation is common in the country, and it can be categorized among the so-called "VIP culture," and is described by the Public Radio International as when politicians bend the rules for their convenience.

However, this recent Pakistan politician plane delay situation shines a light on the possibility that Pakistanis may no longer put up with this "VIP culture" and things may just turn different for lawmakers who bend rules for their selfish reasons.

The Independent described the Pakistan politician plane delay incident as a moment when disgruntled passengers used the power of passenger democracy to put a stop to the VIPs' abuse of power.

A video clip of the Pakistan politician plane delay video has gone viral in the country after it was posted online. It showed how Senator Rehman Malik and Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani, a Member of National Assembly, had gotten kicked out from the Islamabad-bound flight by the irate passengers.

Up till now, the BBC reports that it still remains unclear why Malik, the former Interior Minister, and Vankwani, a member of the ruling PML-N party, had been so late. But the passengers did not wait for any explanations as they were already so riled for having waited for two hours. They clearly have had it and they forced both men off the plane.

The two politicians were accused of holding up departure for two hours and probably rightly so.

Taken via smartphone, the footage shows the Pakistan politician plane delay situation with Malik confidently boarding the aircraft with his luggage. He was smart to turn back and retreat upon seeing and hearing what the angry passengers had to say.

The passengers shouted at Malik to turn back, as well as Vankwani.

Passengers confronted Malik and shouted, "You should be ashamed of yourself".

One passenger said in the delay plane footage, "150 passengers have been put out because of you." They reportedly demanded an apology from the government official.

Another passenger was also heard shouting, "How long will we put up with this nonsense in this country? We've taken it for 68 years. Are we going to take it another 68?" one is heard saying in despair."

According to the BBC, Malik blamed his delay on PIA on his Twitter feed, but his feeble attempt in explaining is not heard amidst the angry protestations of the furious passengers.

One traveller even said, "You are not a minister anymore!"

According to The Independent, Malik had been Pakistan's Interior Minister from 2008 and 2013. Meanwhile, his company, Vankwani, had also been forced off his seat as people chanted "shame, shame, shame".

When both eventually left the aircraft, many of the 250 passengers on board applauded. The PIA flight from Karachi to Islamabad took off without the two government officials, according to the BBC.

The Pakistan politician plane delay video went viral, and sparked national debate on Pakistan's "VIP culture", reported the Public Radio International. Pakistanis kept sharing the video and hailed the passengers aboard the flight who took action.

Despite the indignation, a PIA spokesperson defended the officials and said the flight's delay was simply due to technical issues. The spokesperson added that they even informed the passenger of the delay via text message.

The airline also said they suspended two employees for the Pakistan politician plane delay and insisted they do not adhere to the so-called "VIP culture".

According to an AFP report, an aide to Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif also said that there had indeed been a 90-minute technical delay, apart from Malik also being 25 minutes late.

Apparently, the PIA is known in Pakistan for delaying flights in order to accommodate politicians and make ordinary passengers wait for hours before takeoff, reports the Public Radio International.

Malik also reportedly took to Twitter to defend himself. He said the PIA should be blamed for the flight's delay and not himself.

Pakistan politician plane delay still begs the question whether any actual change will happen with Pakistan's "VIP culture". Still, it is a good start, and maybe more politicians will think twice before causing any more flight delays, or even bend other rules and abuse their power.

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