Virtual reality Metatecture device, a Kickstarter project which proposes an affordable virtual reality device to the public, is gaining attention on the web. The virtual reality Metatecture device was named "AirVR", and the company proposes making virtual reality accessible to iOS device owners through the mounting of their iPhones and iPads in front of their eyes, literally.
According to the Epoch Times, the project is from Toronto-based Company "Metatecture". Their objective is to put virtual reality within the reach of the masses.
There are several virtual reality devices already in the process of creation, such as the "Oculus Rift". However, such devices are expensive and unreachable for many. According to CNET, the creators of the "AirVR" project on Kickstarter decided upon the scheme since they believe it is the fastest alternative to a virtual-reality-headset technology for the public, especially since many people have iOS devices nowadays.
The Daily Mail reports that the virtual reality Metatecture device will be retailing for $49 if successful on Kickstarter. Apparently, the company is currently seeking $20,000 in Canadian dollars for the product to be brought into the market. They reportedly hope to begin distribution later this year if funding is achieved.
There are still around 28 days left to go for the virtual reality Metatecture device, and so far the Kickstarter project has already raked in about $5,500.
According to the Epoch Times, a pledge of $49 or more gives one AirVR HMD and access to free downloadable content from iTunes, $90 or more will give two devices, $200 or more get five devices and full scale VR development on iOS, $400 or more provides a 3d printed headset and early access to the AirVR development package, while a pledge of $900 or more provides three devices through 3d printing and early access to the AirVR development package.
The virtual reality Metatecture device may not be as cheap as Google's Cardboard VR creation. However, it still is a relatively inexpensive introduction to VR for the iOS crowd.
The future success of the virtual reality Metatecture device relies on funds raised through Kickstarter, as well as iOS developers who will welcome the platform who are willing to update apps and games to work with "AirVR" - difficult but possible.
The company said on its Kickstarter page, "Introducing the AirVR and AirVR+, the first wireless VR headsets for iPad Mini, iPad Mini with Retina and iPhone 6+. AirVR is the most affordable way to experience the world of Virtual Reality for yourself. With your iPad Mini or iPhone 6+ and AirVR, you have everything needed to experience immersive VR anywhere."
How does one use the virtual reality Metatecture device?
The mechanism is fairly simple. Generally, the "AirVR" is a head-mounted display for iPad Mini or iPhone 6 Plus only. The user only has to slide his or her iOS gadget into the "AirVR" for it to work.
The company explains, "The ergonomic foam pads and adjustable ballistic nylon straps ensure a snug and comfortable fit."
As CNET describes, the prototype kind of looks similar to weird goggles with straps. The virtual reality Metatecture device lets users look through two lenses at the screen. It reportedly works only with apps optimized to display two parts each eye.
Once the images are displayed into two identical screens, it provides a 3D virtual reality experience similar to an "Oculus Rift."
Don't worry, the virtual reality Metatecture device has foam pads to ensure comfortable fit. The lenses also provide stereoscopic vision and headphones allow for sound to be played to the user.
According to the Daily Mail, headsets also provide users with access to iPad Mini buttons. The "AirVR" is also works with compatible gamepads making gaming possible.
Apart from those, buttons on the headset allows for control through a "TouchStrip", so users can go in and out of virtual reality if they so choose to do.
According to CNET, the creators of the virtual reality Metatecture device have plans of bundling the gadget with photo, movie and panoramic-image apps. In addition, "AirVR" only need the iOS device's battery as the power source.
The Daily Mail reports that the Metatecture is already planning on making the device compatible with Apple's iPhone 6 Plus after its release, with AirVR+. Apparently, only devices with large screens are compatible with the virtual reality Metatecture device.
Virtual reality Metatecture device is no doubt an innovative creation allowing for a budget-friendly alternative to simulating the use of 3D to an iOS device. However, the design is still weird and many may not want to strap on their devices right in front of their face. These 3D devices are all fantastic, let's just hope they don't actually replace the real world for people who plan to use them on a regular basis
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