October 24, 2024 01:31 AM

First Swimming Dinosaur Found: 50 Feet Spinosaurus Fossil Unearthed in Morocco [VIDEO]

First swimming dinosaur found- A new horde of fossils have been unearthed revealing that the largest known predator to walk the earth was also an excellent swimmer.

On Thursday, a study published in the journal Science, described how scientists had uncovered the remains of the semiaquatic Spinosaurus, in Morocco, The Wall Street Journal has learned.

According to the research team, the first swimming dinosaur found which was not yet even fully grown, measured 50 feet, at least nine feet longer than the largest discovered Tyrannosaurus rex.

"Spinosaurus wasn't a land animal," paleontologist Dr. Nizar Ibrahim from the University of Chicago, told National Geographic. "This was a creature adapted to life in the water."

It was also stated in the reported study that the fossil of Spinosaurus - the first swimming dinosaur found, included skulls, claws and the bones in its dorsal sail.

Despite its large size and overall length, the first swimming dinosaur found also had narrow thighs and short rear legs with paddle-like feet - features that are reportedly not so helpful in chasing preys on land, but are highly useful in the water.

Aside from its swimming legs, Spinosaurus has nostrils half way along its long, narrow upper jaw, enabling it to partially submerge in water just like a crocodile, according to Forbes. It has blood vessel channeling in the tip of its snout making it sensitive to pressure changes caused by a fleeing prey.

The Spinosaurus also has backward slanted teeth and long forelimbs with hooked claws. It had extraordinarily dense leg bones for a dinosaur, which scientists believe was useful in countering buoyancy in the water.

With a long neck and trunk, the first swimming dinosaur found appeared to be too heavy on top to be able to walk upright on land. Contrary to common beliefs, the Spinosaurus could have not engaged in land combat with the T rex as the two species reportedly lived millions of years apart.The newly discovered creature is thought to have lived in the rivers of North Africa 97 millions years ago during the last age of the dinosaurs.

Probably considered as the most distinctive part of the first swimming dinosaur found, is the enormous sail on its back measuring 1.8 meter, believed as the largest among known dinosaurs.

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