March 9, 2025 18:45 PM

5 Ways to Have a More Active Vacation

Staying with your active lifestyle might be somewhat of a challenge while you're on vacation, because you might not know the location that well. Whether you're a gym rat or just enjoy walking to all your errands, staying active is a good way to keep a healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips for getting some exercise in while you are on your vacation.

1.) Don't rent a car: Renting a car gives you the easiest excuse to not walk to wherever your activity may be. Take a taxi from the airport or train station and walk from your hotel everywhere. This may require getting a hotel more centrally located, but it will be totally worth it when you don't have to worry about parking and can just walk the few blocks to your destination.

2.) Go golfing: Are you traveling on business? If so, suggest a business meeting over nine holes. This gives you an opportunity for fun as well as some great exercise.

3.) Go to the beach: The coast is always a popular destination for vacation, so take advantage of it. Plan a whole day of playing in the water and playing Frisbee on the beach. You can even pack a picnic lunch with healthy foods.

4.) See the city on a bike: Rent a bicycle for the day with your buddy who you traveled with. This gives you the power and peace of mind to do all the sightseeing you want to do without being stuck in all the traffic you would have been if you would have driven or been on a bus.

5.) Go hiking: Hiking is one of the best exercises you can do for yourself because it is both a cardio activity as well as muscular toning. You can get to see some beautiful new territory of where you traveled to as well. Hiking is also a cheap activity which can help save money.

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