March 6, 2025 22:04 PM

Kentucky Camper Rescued After Sleepwalking Off Cliff [VIDEO & REPORT]

A camper in Kentucky suffered a miraculous fate. After sleepwalking 60 feet off a cliff at the Red River Gorge, the man luckily survived. Rescuers took four hours to retrieve the man stuck in a patch of rhododendrons at the bottom of the cliff.

The camper was reportedly near a cliff at the Grey's Arch Trail along with his friends. However, his companions noticed him missing at around 1 a.m. thus prompting them to call for help. The man involved had a history of sleepwalking. Reports add that the man was from Cincinnati.

Rescuers had their hands tied up when they were faced with the problem of hoisting up the victim. The man had fallen into a rugged terrain that had jagged edges. The fog around the area added to the complications for the rescue.

Powell County Search and Rescue had enlisted the help of Wolfe County rescue team. With both teams' combined effort, it took around four hours before the man was successfully hoisted up and immediately transported to the UK hospital for treatment. The man suffered injuries to the head, a fractured leg and a dislocated shoulder.

John May, Wolfe's county rope technician, talked to the media about the incident involving the sleepwalking camper.

"He fell approximately 60 feet, landed in an area that was littered with large boulders. The campers who were with him found him at the bottom of a 60 foot cliff. The individual has a history of sleepwalking. So camping on a cliff ledge, that's probably what led to this incident. It's really a miracle. He fell 60 feet into boulders and from what we've been told he should make a full recovery. It's quite remarkable," stated May.

The identity of the sleepwalking camper has still not been released to the media. Hopefully, the man restricts himself from hazardous activities such as camping out in the open near cliffs.

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