March 9, 2025 11:22 AM

Aviation Warning Alert Raised in Iceland Due To Monitoring of Bardarbunga Volcano Eruption

Aviation warning alert level has been raised by the Iceland authorities after a new eruption from the Bardarbunga volcano was spotted.

It was defined as a calm type of lava eruption and could not even be seen via seismometers. It led for planes to be banned from flying within the range of the volcano peak at 6,000 feet.

This won't affect though those that will fly higher than the mentioned limit, reports Breaking Travel News.

The fresh fissure eruption was heightened to red warning level from a previous orange level alert. Its volcanic system covered the North Atlantic island which has been bombarded with earthquakes over the previous weeks.

Such happenings have surely made a lot of scientists worry about the situation.

It was in 2010 when an ash cloud from Iceland's different region filled up most of Europe's air space for almost six days, as recalled by Yahoo.

Going back to present day, the reported eruption began early morning of Sunday. It threw out lava for about 50 meters up in the air.

During the constant monitoring of Iceland's Meteorological Office, there was no ash detected which eventually made the Aviation Colour Code for Bardarbunga come back to the orange level.

The five color scale has red as the highest type indicating that eruption is most possible to happen or even already close to happening.

The location is known by hiking tourists or locals especially in the summer season due to its remote nature and have the least population as well. However, officials have already emptied the place of tourists after the seismic activity was monitored, states USA Today.

Majority of the authorities are highly concerned with the possibility of the main volcano under the ice caps erupting. Fortunately, no signs of it have been evident so far.

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