March 28, 2025 21:09 PM

Ferguson Cop Resigns: Veteran Missouri Police Officer Videotaped Pointing Firearm and Swearing at Protesters Steps Down from Force [WATCH VIDEO]

Ferguson cop resigns - A veteran Missouri police officer captured on video raising his firearm and threatening to kill Ferguson protesters, has stepped down from the force.

According to a St. Louis Dispatch report about the Ferguson cop resigns, 46-year-old Lt. Ray Albers waived his position at the St. Ann police department on Thursday. His resignation came just several days a week after multiple news outlets confirmed the officer's identity in the obtained footage.

Albers, who reportedly served 20 years in the Missouri Police Department, tendered his resignation following the city's Police Board of Commissioners' recommendation that he either resign or be fired.

In the video of the Ferguson cop resigns, taken on Aug. 19, Albers could be seen pointing his rifle at protesters while swearing at them.

"I will fucking kill you!" he shouted, while aiming his weapon at unarmed protesters. When someone asked his name, Albers can be heard telling the protester: "Go fuck yourself."

His actions had later caused his suspension from work.

And while he made it clear he is not condoning Albers' extremely defensive behavior, Chief Aaron Jimenez reportedly said that Albers' raising of his semiautomatic rifle was "totally justifiable" as protesters were quite aggressive throwing urine and water at him and someone even fired a gun.

"He saw three to four suspects with bandanas on, and saw one of them raise a gun towards him," Jimenez told the Huffington Post. "That made him draw his weapon up to the crowd, and he was scanning and moving that weapon back and forth, trying to assess the scene... Him seeing the gun in the crowd, he had every right to protect himself in fear of danger until he assessed the scene."

Aside from Albers of the Ferguson cop resigns case, Glendale Officer Matthew Pappert was discharged on Thursday after posting on Facebook that protesters should be "put down like rabid dogs" and asking, "Where is a Muslim with a backpack when you need them?"

Pappert, who was reportedly not involved in the policing which lead to the Ferguson cop resigns incident, had since expressed his deep remorse about his insensitive and hurtful words.

Missouri, Muslim, Ferguson
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