March 10, 2025 18:08 PM

Ferris Wheel Crutches: 16-Year-Old Girl with Leg Injury and 8-Year-Old Brother Tragically Fall Almost Ten Feet from Chelsea Community Fair Ride [WATCH VIDEO]

Ferris wheel crutches - Two siblings were sent plummeting down the ground when a ferris wheel they were riding at a Chelsea, Michigan fair unexpectedly tipped.

Natasha McElrath, 16, and her 8-year-old brother were rushed to a hospital after they fell out of the Chelsea Community fair ride in what is labeled as the ferris wheel crutches accident.

According to Daily Mail, the older sister was trying to stop her brother from falling out of his seat when they both toppled down.

The two victims of the ferris wheel crutches accident were immediately taken to the University of Michigan CS Mott Children's Hospital in critical condition, but are now said to be improving. Rick Boham, Chelsea Fair Board president, said that the injuries are not at all life threatening.

The unfortunate ferris wheel crutches event reportedly took place Thursday night about 9 p.m., when Natasha and her little brother got into a ferris wheel chair.

Fresh from a leg injury, Natasha took with her onto the ride her crutches and set them on the floor of the chair.

And when the wheel started to move and turn, Natasha's crutches reportedly got jammed in a bracket bar above their car and the McElrath kids tipped forward and fell almost seven to ten feet to the ground.

The ride was almost immediately shut down by the fair following the children's fall in the ferris wheel crutches accident as the state inspector investigated on the ride.

By Friday 1 p.m., the ferris wheel was reopened again after authorities announced it safe for operation.

Although the 8-year-old boy did endure some cuts and lacerations to his face, both kids are reportedly improving at the hospital.
And despite that mechanical failure was ruled out in the ferris wheel crutches incident, the McElrath's mom told ABC 7 that the whole tragedy could have been prevented had there been better safety restraints on the bars.

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