October 24, 2024 01:29 AM

Student Impaled Golf Club: 18-Year-Old Stabbed in Neck with Flying Broken Golf Club At ASU Kappa Alpha Frat House ‘Freak’ Accident [WATCH VIDEO]

Student impaled golf club - An 18-year-old student at the Arkansas State University has been stabbed in the neck by a broken golf club in what others described as a "freak accident."

Natalie Eaton, the freshman victim of the student impaled golf club accident, was reportedly at the Kappa Alpha frat house Tuesday, when the unfortunate incident happened.

Cops said that fraternity "rush" activities were being conducted in the house earlier in the afternoon and the students were playing games outdoors before a cookout.

A police report obtained by KARK-TV regarding the student impaled golf club incident, stated that a young man had thrown a football at another man who "was going to use a golf club as a bat to hit the football."

Unfortunately, when the ball hit the club, the shaft broke off and flew approximately 30 feet away before impaling Eaton in the neck hitting part of her spine and nicking an artery.

The young woman was then rushed Regional One Medical Center in Memphis, where she remained in critical condition, WREG-TV reported Wednesday evening.

Makaleigh Riddle, a pal of the student impaled golf club victim, reportedly told KAIT-TV that Eaton's condition has improved - she can now move her arms and legs, despite the possibility of paralysis brought about by the accident.

"The way [doctors] talked about it, it was probably paralysis," Riddle told the news outlet. "That was the best that we were looking at. It was really hard to hear. But now she's moving her arms and legs a day later... That's just crazy. I know people are praying everywhere but that's a miracle. She's the strongest person I've ever met so that doesn't surprise me at all."

Another individual was also struck by a piece of the club, but fortunately was not seriously injured in the student impaled golf club freak accident, Reuters has learned.

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