March 4, 2025 09:46 AM

SAN DIEGO WOMAN POLICE CAR: 22-Year-Old Initiates Lengthy Chase after Stealing Police Car [WATCH VIDEO]

San Diego woman police car - A 22-year-old woman stole and went on a joy rode in a police vehicle Friday night, initiating a long, high-speed chase with officers until finally slamming the car.

According to the San Diego Woman police car report, the suspect identified as Felicitas Flores took a parked officer's vehicle in the 300 block of 17th Street in downtown's East Village area just before 11:30 p.m, the San Diego Police Department said.

Flores took off in the patrol car, speeding onto northbound interstate 5 and drawing cops on a pursuit all the way to the North County, NBC San Diego reported.

While the chase continued in Carlsband, the tires of the car were spiked, and yet the San Diego woman police car suspect continued driving through Oceanside until she eventually managed to pull over at a rest stop, the Associated Press has learned. However, as authorities tried to arrest her, she went on a head-on collision with another public vehicle, according to the SDPD.

Once the stolen police car was disabled, Flores was immediately arrested at gun point without resisting, and was taken into custody.

"CHP did take over the negotiations to get her out of the car," SDPD Lt. Steven Shaw, explained. "She did not want to get out of the vehicle. Eventually, she opened up the driver side door. She started to get out of the car then she started to get back in. It afforded our officers the opportunity to go up to the car and physically take her out of the car."

Flores, the San Diego woman police car suspect, was reportedly jailed at the Las ColinasDetention Facility on a minimum of nine charges, including driving under the influence of alcohol, grand theft auto, evading officers and being under the influence of a controlled substance.

Furthermore, she faces counts of assault with a deadly weapon.

The San Diego woman police car incident is currently being investigated, with authorities trying to determine how Flores managed to steal the vehicle in the first place. It is not clear whether the car was left unlocked by an officer. Prior the chase, cops received reports from drivers regarding a police patrol car driving erratically.

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