February 26, 2025 09:08 AM

Ex-Doctor Pleads GUILTY to Patient’s Death; Gets 8 Years Incarceration for Drug Overdose

Ex-doctor pleads guilty to patient's death - Dr. William Valuck, a former Oklahoma City doctor, has pleaded guilty to second-degree murder charges Wednesday, in relation to the drug overdose deaths of his patients.

In the latest update in the ex-doctor pleads guilty to patient's death news, the former pain management doctor has pleaded guilty to eight counts of second-degree murder under a plea deal with Oklahoma County prosecutors, who arranged to drop other drug charges. Under the deal, Dr. William Valuck is sentenced to ten years. He will get eight years incarceration and two years of probation, News 9 reported.

According to investigators, the ex-physician had prescribed as much as 600 pills at a time to his patients - a number of controlled narcotics drugs far greater than any physician in the state have ever prescribed, Times Union has learned. He had also allegedly prescribed a combination of highly addictive controlled lethal substances like Lortab, Soma, Oxycodone and Xanax to all of his patients.

Eight of Valuck's patient were said to have died of drug overdoses, while another patient murdered a man while allegedly driving under the influence of painkillers prescribed by the physician.

The Oklahoma County prosecutors initially charged Dr. William Valuck with eight counts of first degree murder and 57 counts of distribution of controlled hazardous substances - that makes a total of 65 counts.

The ex-doctor pleads guilty to patient's death came during Dr. William Valuck's supposed second day of preliminary hearing at the Oklahoma County Courthouse. The state modified the all eight counts of first-degree murder charges to second-degree murder on Wednesday.

The case against Dr. William Valuck was filed in January 2014, however, the claims date back as early as 2012. The ex-physician allegedly operated the "cash only" pain management clinic, Advanced Care, located in southwest Oklahoma City.

Faxes from pharmacies concerned with the quantity of pills Valuck prescribed to his patients have prompted the Drug Enforcement Agency to investigate on the doctor's practice.

The victims' families have been present in most of the proceedings of the ex-doctor pleads guilty to patient's death case.

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