March 29, 2025 06:10 AM

Breaking Bad Spinoff Show, “Better Call Saul” Teaser Now Released! See Teaser Here! [VIDEO]

Breaking Bad spinoff show, "Better Call Saul," has just released a nine-second teaser trailer. Although a video clip that runs for only nine seconds is barely enough to satisfy the craving of fans, for now, it is the only hint about the popular Breaking Bad spinoff show that fans are getting.

The clip has actually aired on AMC in the United States over the weekend. The quick clip showcases the errant lawyer of Bob Odenkirk, Saul Goodman, who was addressing one of his clients. He said, "Lawyers, we're like health insurance. You hope you never need it, but man, oh man, not having it? No." This line from the Breaking Bad spinoff show can also actually be used in real life as well.

Additionally, viewers who have followed "Breaking Bad" will also notice that the hair of Saul Goodman in this Breaking Bad spinoff show is also thicker than usual.

Back in July, a billboard was shown in Albuquerque advertising the services that were offered by James M McGill, who happens to be the alter ego of Goodman, featuring him as a much younger person. Whoever called the number provided on the advertising billboard will be able to hear Odenkirk's voice in the recorded answering machine message.

Just last month, AMC has already announced that the timeline of the Breaking Bad spinoff show will be overlapping with that of "Breaking Bad." This, in turn, makes it more than just a traditional prequel, as the Breaking Bad spinoff show has been originally described.

Peter Gould, Executive Producer, informed New York Daily News, "One of the great things about having a timeline, which is flexible, is that perhaps some of it takes place before 'Breaking Bad', during 'Breaking Bad', and after 'Breaking Bad.' That gives us the ability to bring back characters that were killed on 'Breaking Bad.'"

The teaser clip for this Breaking Bad spinoff show ends with a promised released public air date that has already been scheduled on February of 2015. The show will be airing on Netflix in the United Kingdom.

Breaking bad, Amc
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