February 26, 2025 12:56 PM

Mom Sues After 8 Year Old Tased By Police: South Dakota

Mom sues after 8 year old tased by police is a story which is currently causing major debates and concern this weekend. According to The Inquisitr, the story of mom sues after 8 year old tased by police began after a babysitter called 911, since the child grabbed a knife and obviously threatened to harm herself.

Police arrived soon after, and things spiralled quickly which evidently led to mom sues after 8 year old tased by police.

According to CNN, the main reason the police came to the scene was to keep the girl from hurting herself, but as it turns out, it would be the police who would be hurting the girl.

Even before the story of mom sues after 8 year old tased by police began, all parties - the girl's mother, Dawn Stenstrom, the defendants: the city of Pierre, South Dakota, former police chief Robert Grandpre, and the four officers at the scene on Oct. 4, 2013 - apparently already agreed that the police were only trying to prevent the girl from hurting herself.

However, all parties' opinions on whether the actions of the officers were proper, differed.

Reports say that before they tased the girl and before things escalated when mom sues after 8 year old tased by police, police had warned the 8-year-old they were going to tase her.

According to the lawsuit filed by the girl's mother, 'Within seconds, an officer fired darts from the electroshock weapon into the chest of the 70-pound girl. The force of the electricity shot through her body, lifted her, and threw her against a wall.'

The lawsuit continued, 'After the officers had stunned (the girl) into high voltage submission, they pulled the fish-hook like Taser darts from her chest, gave her emergency medical attention, bandaged the holes left by the razor-sharp hooks, and called the ambulance.'

CNN first reported on the story of mom sues after 8 year old tased by police. Dawn Stenstrom, the girl's mother sued the city of Pierre, South Dakota, its former police chief, Robert Grandpre, and four police officers at the scene on Oct. 2013.

Mom sues after 8 year old tased by police, and the mom stated in the lawsuit that police used "excessive force" when they made use of a Taser on her daughter.

Grandpre, on the other hand, disagrees and told CNN affiliate KSFY that the police even "might possibly have saved this girl's life."

Currently, after mom sues after 8 year old tased by police, the litigation is still pending.

Pierre Mayor Laurie Gill meanwhile refused to comment on Saturday regarding the case.

Attorney Robert Anderson, representing the defendants, also had no comments and said he was 'not going to comment on the merits of pending litigation.'

There was also an independent two-month investigation which had the South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation ruling in December that officers at the incident acted appropriately.

Wendy Kloeppner, the Hughes County state's attorney, said in a statement, 'Given the circumstances facing the officer at the time, it appears from the report that deploying a Taser was the best viable way to defuse the situation.'

In response to Kloeppner statement, Stenstrom's attorney Dana Hanna told CNN on Saturday, 'That's bull****. Four trained police officers surrounding a 70-pound, 8-year-old Indian girl," should have used less risky tactics.'

Before mom sues after 8 year old tased by police, the girl's father, Bobby Jones, told KSFY after the incident, 'I don't fault for the police being there because they were called. They were there. But what happened while they were there is why I'm upset.'

KSFY reported that one of the officers was a Taser instructor, while another was a hostage negotiator.

The story of mom sues after 8 year old tased by police has apparently caused quite some debates online, reports The Inquisitr.

Comments on the site "Click On Detroit" shows that some people are on the side of the police since they believe the police only did what they had to do.

Meanwhile, other people are on the side of the mother saying that the police shouldn't have handled the situation differently, and not the way they did.

According to CNN, plaintiffs are seeking at least $100,000 in damages, plus punitive damages and "other relief as the court shall consider to be fair and equitable."

KDVR reports that the defendants' attorney still doesn't know if the case would go to trial, but Duffy hopes it does. In the meantime, the girl is currently undergoing mental and emotional counseling from a child counsellor.

Mom sues after 8 year old tased by police and after the incident. However, since they are still hoping for the case to go to trial, Stenstrom and her daughter have moved back to the Rosebud Sioux tribe tribal reservation since they are members there, said Hanna.

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