March 17, 2025 18:34 PM

Marianne Faithfull Claims She Knows Who Killed Jim Morrison; Close Friend of Morrison Shares Different Story

Marianne Faithfull Broken English singer opened up about that fateful night in July of 1971. According to Marianne Faithfull Broken English singer, "I didn't kill Jim Morrison, but I know who did."

Jim Morrison may have already died 43 years ago, but the mystery that surrounded his death still lives on. Marianne Faithfull Broken English song maker told several things during an exclusive interview with Mojo about what she remembered the night that Morrison died. The interview was entitled, "I Know Who Killed Jim Morrison." It will be printed for the said magazine's September issue.

As Marianne Faithfull Broken English star informed Mojo, it was her boyfriend at the time, known drug dealer Jean de Breiteuil, who was to blame for Morrison's death. Marianne Faithfull Broken English recalled that de Breiteuil told her that he had to visit Morrison at his apartment in Paris.

She said, "I could intuitively feel trouble. I thought, 'I'll take a few Tuinal and I won't be there.' And he went to see Jim Morrison and killed him. I mean I'm sure it was an accident. Poor bastard. The smack was too strong? Yeah. And he died. And I didn't know anything about this. Anyway, everybody connected to the death of this poor guy is dead now. Except me."

Although Marianne Faithfull Broken English is quite adamant that it was de Breiteuil who killed Morrison, this is actually not the first time that de Breiteuil's name was involved with Morrison's death. His name was mentioned in connection to the death of the amazingly skilled front man of The Doors, despite not having conducted an autopsy on the musician's body. Additionally, as reported by The Telegraph, the official cause of death was then determined to be a heart attack, not noting any foul play in the mix.

Sam Bernett, a "close friend" of Morrison's was interviewed by Daily Mail in 2007. According to him, he was actually at the nightclub where Morrison reportedly died and was told to never tell anyone about what he saw.

As rehashed by Bernett, Morrison died in a bathroom stall after he snorted heroin. Apparently, he got the heroin from two men who worked for de Breiteuil. In Bernett's interview with Daily Mail, he mentioned that the men carried Morrison's body out of the club and carefully placed it in his apartment. Bernett's account of the killers is very different from that of Marianne Faithfull Broken English's.

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