March 12, 2025 12:46 PM

5 Best Bike Trails in the US

Everybody loves a good bike ride. After all, there's no better way to get your exercise out of the way then cruising along a scenic cycling route, taking in the sites in and fresh air that mark the end of summer.

However, for many Americans, the question remains: where to go. Luckily we, here at Traveler's Today, have an answer. Which is why we have listed, below, five of the best bike trails in the United States, places that will interest and excite you as you ride along them, bringing you just the cycling experience you always wanted.

5. The Katy Trail - Missouri

If the Old West is your jam, consider travelling the famous Katy Trail, a 240 mile-long bike path stretching from Kansas City to St. Louis. Going through almost every historic town in Missouri, the Katy Trail has more than a little bit of Plains State charm. Plus the trail is historic - for most of its length, the Katy Trail runs along the old Missouri-Kasnas-Texas railroad, adding a little bit of old-timey legitimacy to your trip. In short, if you want to get a real sense for the country that is the heartland of the United States, the Katy Trail is one of your best bets.

4. Maah Daah Hey Trail - North Dakota

The Badlands of North Dakota are known for a lot of things. But did you know they also offer an awesome bike trail? Despite its funny name, the Maah Daah Hey Trail in Theodore Roosevelt Park is one of the best in the country. Granted, the course's 96 miles of uneven terrain may not be the easiest you've ever gone on. But if rugged is your thing, than this is absolutely the trek for you. Just don't forget to pack water - the badlands can get surprisingly hot in the summer.

3. Arizona Trail - Arizona

Another classic of the Western half of the US, the Arizona trail is, in many ways, one of the most intense in the United States. Indeed, stretching a monstrous 800+ miles, the trail is one of the best opportunities to see true desert landscape that there is. Just don't expect an easy trip. From rattlers, to droughts, to the Grand Canyon itself (which has to be walked along - they don't allow bikes), the Arizona trail is one of the most difficult in the country. But, as those brave souls who have completed it will tell you, it's ultimately more than worth the trouble.

2. Great Divide Mountain Bike Route - Alberta to New Mexico

The largest trek on the list, this behemoth is not for the faint of heart. But if a true trans-continental trip is what you're looking for, then the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route is the thing for you. Stretching 2,745 miles, the track (a collection of dirt roads and old rail-lines) is just as rugged and beautiful as the country itself. However, you'll really have to be in peak physical condition to attempt it. The course often takes weeks or months to complete, an odyssey that truly separates the boys from the men (or women).

1. Underground Railroad Bicycle Route - Alabama to Ontario

However, the number one spot is reserved for a more historic tour. After all, it's hard to imagine anything more interesting or more emotionally compelling than the Underground Railroad Bicycle Route, a track that travels along the highways and byways that escaped slaves would have travelled to reach freedom. And, while the 2,057 miles of the trip may not be quite as extensive as its "Great Divide" cousin to the West, the historical scope of this trek shoots it into the number one spot, a journey that bike-riders, outdoorsmen, and history buffs will all never be able to forget.

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