March 29, 2025 13:57 PM

BREAKING NEWS: Malaysian Plane Crash Found on Ukrainian Territory; Malaysian Airlines MH17 Shot Down with Missile Killing 295 Passengers

Malaysian plane crash found near the Russian border in the eastern part of Ukraine has raised a lot of questions. According to the Interior Minister of Ukraine, the flight Malaysian Airlines MH17 was apparently shot down by a missile, killing 295 people who were on board. As provided by a source that informed the Interfax news agency, the Malaysian plane crash found was a commercial Boeing 777 airliner that was flying from Amsterdam to Malaysia's capital, Kuala Lumpur.

Anton Gerashenko, an aide to the Interior Mister of Ukraine, posted on his Facebook account that the Malaysian plane crash found was flying at an altitude of 33,000 feet over the eastern part of Ukraine when it was suddenly hit by a missile that was fired from a nearby Buk launcher. The Malaysian plane crash found went ablaze and crashed by the city of Donetsk, which is a stronghold of pro-Russian rebels.

Some journalists have also reported that they became aware of the existence of a similar launcher near Snizhne, which is also located around the same area. The system has the capability to fire missiles up to an altitude of 72,000 feet.

According to the retrieved flight records, the Malaysian plane crash found departed from Amsterdam at 12:14 a.m. local time, which is 15 minutes later than what was originally scheduled. A source from the Russian aviation informed Reuters that the Malaysian plane crash found was actually expected to arrive in Kuala Lumpur at 6:10 a.m. local time, but was not able to enter Russian airspace in the time that it was expected to.

The report from Interfax said that the Malaysian plane crash found came down 50 kilometers or 20 miles short of entering the airspace of Russia. The source said, whose identity will not be divulged, "It began to drop. Afterwards, it was found burning on the ground on Ukrainian territory."

Malaysia airlines, Malaysia airlines mh17
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