February 23, 2025 04:19 AM

Super Moon 2014 [VIDEO]: Restless Summer With Supermoon Trio Set For July, Aug And Sept

Super Moon 2014 is set to hit the skies sooner than you think. According to ScienceAtNASA the first date set for Super Moon 2014 this summer is on Saturday, July 12. The next dates for the Super Moon 2014 are consecutive months August 10 and September 9.

Apparently, with these dates confirmed, the next coming summer days will be bathed in moonlight, or perhaps restless nights with the Super Moon 2014 set for three consecutive months.

Folklore has it that the moon influences people's sleep. This theory probably stemmed from the knowledge that the moon influences water and the human body is made up of approximately 50-75% water. Still, there has been no study to confirm the folklore - until now.

With the first of this summer's Super Moon 2014 taking place on Saturday, it would certainly be beneficial to arm oneself with knowledge as to the truth in the belief.

According to The Independent, the international research community has been divided on this question for a long time, but now a highly controlled study has found evidence to support the ancient theory that indeed moon activity affects sleeping patterns among humans.

The study determining whether the Super Moon 2014 summer will affect us humans was led by Michael Smith at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. According to the study, participants wake up more and sleep approximately 25 minutes less during full moon than at times with other moon phases.

Smith said, 'The rooms in our sleep laboratories do not have any windows. So the effect we found cannot be attributable to increased nocturnal light during a full moon.'

Apart from the Super Moon 2014 affecting sleep, the study also found that people have higher susceptibility to external disturbances when the moon is full. Smith explained, 'The purpose of our original study was to examine the way that noise disturbs sleep. Re-analysis of our data showed that sensitivity, measured as reactivity of the cerebral cortex, is greatest during the full moon.'

Smith and his team also believe that there could be a strong meaning as to why the moon's cycle and human night sleep is connected. Since evidence shows marine worms having a "circalunar" clock, Smith considers the possibility that the same thing happens for humans. He said, 'There may be a built-in biological clock that is affected by the moon, similar to the one that regulates the circadian rhythm. But all this is mere speculation - additionally, more highly controlled studies that target these mechanisms are needed before more definitive conclusions can be drawn.'

In the meantime, while scientists are busy finding out evidence for their theories on connections of human sleep and moon activity, check out the Super Moon 2014 on the dates July 12, August 10 and September 9 and see whether you experience any difficulty sleeping.

So what exactly is a Super Moon? It is not a regular phase of the moon. According to The Weather Network, a Super Moon only happens once in a while and is not part of the regular set of phases that the moon goes through including full moon, half moon, crescent moon, new moon.

According to the website, what we will be experiencing this Super Moon 2014 summer is an astrological term, with a slightly broader definition. The term was coined in 1979 by Astrologer Richard Nolle describing the phenomenon as "a new or full moon which occurs with the Moon at or near (within 90% of) its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit (perigee). In short, Earth, Moon and Sun are all in a line, with Moon in its nearest approach to Earth.'

Basically, a Super Moon happens whenever the full moon is closer to us than 360,000 km, and can occur six times in a year.

Apparently, the Super Moon 2014 Summer is not the first of its kind this year. There have already been previous Super Moons in 2014, which happened during January and February. The remaining three will take their fill this summer.

Super Moon 2014 for the summer may actually be fun to watch out for, especially for enthusiasts. But, just to make sure that skies above you are clear in time for Super Moon 2014 this summer, check out your local forecast on www.theweathernetwork.com.

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