March 20, 2025 19:09 PM

Singer Chris Brown Turns Into A Reality TV Show Star As BET Network Shows Eagerness to Showcase His Life Post Jail, Will This Be A Good Career Move For The Singer Or It Will Just Be Awful?[VIDEO]

Chris Brown's own TV show is said to be in the making as the controversial singer makes his comeback after spending a long time in jail.

Now that the singer is back to the real world, Black Entertainment Television (BET) is eager to sign a deal with him to do a reality show. The network is convinced that with the kind of life the singer previously lived, it would be interesting to make it visible in the eyes of the cameras especially now that he is trying to make himself free from all the troubles unlike what he did in the past. It would probably be a simple step to really know if the singer will be able to maintain his promise to keep away from trouble.

The network reportedly organized a test group which would determine how the viewers will take Chris Brown's TV show when it begins to air in the future. According to the test group that comprised most women viewers, the results show that they will absolutely tune in and watch the life of the troubled singer. With the possible deal being closed between two parties, the said network has been already cleared that they will be the one who will air Chris Brown's TV show.

As the singer has been officially freed from prison and with all the positive response from the prospective viewers, there will be a huge chance that Chris Brown will agree of the TV show in the making. With all the cameras following his every moves, his temper will also be put into test as he is also known to be taking medications for his bipolar disorder. The R&B singer is not the first person to be considered for a reality series since another troubled star like Lindsay Lohan also have though it is still uncertain if her show will be renewed.

Chris Brown's TV show if granted will be following the singer's life after jail. His behavior and how he will be again dealing with the temptation of alcohol will surely be a great attraction to the show. The singer previously promised to resist alcohol and keep himself away from fights.

Brown has been released from prison earlier this month and that doesn't keep him away from media scrutiny. If Chris Brown's TV show will be finally closed then a lot of revelations are also expected to happen.

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