March 21, 2025 11:26 AM

Unborn Baby Pregnant in the Womb? Internet Hoax Goes Viral

An unborn baby got pregnant while still inside the womb. At least that's what an article on the Internet says. However article is fake and nothing more than a hoax.

An article on Empire News claims that a woman who was pregnant found that her unborn daughter was also pregnant. The article reads, "Mary Lambert, who is 8 months pregnant, went to Silverstein Memorial Hospital in Portland when she thought she might be going into labor. Doctors examined her, and initially could not figure out what was causing Lambert's pain. After an ultrasound to check on her baby, they were taken aback to find that her unborn daughter was also pregnant.

"I have never in my life seen anything like this." Said Dr. Joseph Goldsmith, a pediatric surgeon at Silverstein. "I don't think anyone has. This is the first time that an unborn baby has become impregnated. It's so far beyond rare that we didn't know it was possible."

Up until now, the youngest person to ever become pregnant was Lina Medina, a Peruvian girl who was just under 6 years old when she gave birth. Doctors were shocked at Medina's diagnosis at the time, but it was later discovered that she had entered into Precocious puberty, which is a rare disorder that causes puberty in extremely young children. It won't be possible to test Lambert's unborn daughter for Precocious puberty until she is born. Even if she is found to have the rare disorder, it will still make her the youngest person to ever become pregnant."

The article is fake. It is impossible for a fetus to become pregnant. Also, there is no such thing as Silverstein Memorial Hospital in Portland or anywhere else. However one part that may be true is the story of Lina Medina, Peruvian girl who became pregnant at age six. This reference to the true story as well as the other details mentioned may lead some to believe that this article is real.

However the article is also written by Bob. And Bob is a potato. This can be seen at the bottom of the article. Empire News is a satire site and often writes fake articles. The disclaimer on the website reads, "Empire News is a satirical and entertainment website. We only use invented names in all our stories, except in cases when public figures are being satirized. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental."

Mary Lambert's unborn baby is not pregnant. There likely isn't even a Mary Lambert who is pregnant. Stop believing this article and stop sharing it.

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