March 6, 2025 21:37 PM

Frances Bean Cobain Tells Lana Del Rey to “Stop Glamorizing Death”

The late Kurt Cobain's daughter has finally spoken about Lana Del Rey's controversial interview, and Frances Bean Cobain was not shy in letting the public know that she was not pleased. Cobain used her Twitter account to inform Del Rey to stop glamorizing death.

Del Rey told The Guardian recently, "I wish I was dead already." Apart from her desire to bite the dust despite a climb in her career, she also talked about how she held such high adoration for celebrities who are part of the music industry's famed 27 club.

Cobain posted on her Twitter account, "The death of young musicians isn't something to romanticize...I'll never know my father because he died young & it becomes a desirable feat because ppl like u think it's cool. Well, it's f*cking not. Embrace life, because you only get one life. The ppl u mentioned wasted that life. Don't be 1 of those ppl."

Cobain received a lot of hate from Del Rey's fans, but she was quick to respond. She wrote, "I'm not attacking anyone. I have no animosity towards Lana; I was just trying to put things in perspective from personal experience. I told her not to waste her life. How is that attacking? I literally said embrace this life because u only get 1." Cobain then posted directly on Del Rey's Twitter page, "Ur too talented to waste it away."

Cobain's comments did not go unnoticed. Del Rey responded with, "It's all good. He was asking me a lot about your dad I said I liked him because he was talented not because he died young...the other half of what I said wasn't really related to the people he mentioned. I don't find that part of music glam either."

The creator of the HBO show "Girls", Lena Dunham also wrote on her own Twitter page, "Why is anyone shocked Lana Del Rey said she wished she was dead? That's an actual lyric on her last album: 'I wish I was dead.'"

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