March 25, 2025 21:52 PM

Missing Plane Malaysia Found New Search Area: From Indian Ocean To The South, Hunt Direction Shifts

Missing plane Malaysia found new search area is now reported. According to reports, missing plane Malaysia found new search area in the South, shifting from the previous Indian Ocean search.

The Associated Press reports the missing plane Malaysia found new search area as located hundreds of miles from the original suspected crash site in the Indian Ocean. On Friday, according to a senior investigator, search teams are already getting ready for the next phase of the exploration now with missing plane Malaysia found new search area. The new area of focus will reportedly be hundreds of kilometres (miles) south of the first supposed site of impact in the Indian Ocean.

According to ABC News, because of missing plane Malaysia found new search area, crews will be likely to shift their focus to the spot in the south as plans of sifting through the sea bed continues.

Despite having missing plane Malaysia found new search area, this shift is reportedly not based on any new data. As Global News reports, the basis of the new search area is on more advanced examination of the existing satellite information from the Boeing 777 after having lost contact from control towers during a Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8.

As there is now the missing plane Malaysia found new search area, private contractors are reportedly expected to begin the search in August. They will be using powerful side-scan sonar equipment with capabilities of probing depths of the ocean as deep as 7 kilometres or 4.3 miles. Meanwhile, experts say that the search is expected to take up to 12 months before completion.

As of the current moment, two survey ships are already mapping uncharted expanses of seabed in the search zone before proceeding with the search which uses sonar scanning.

Before information of missing plane Malaysia found new search area, the previous search had search aircraft sweeping the wide ocean expanse hoping to find floating debris. This previous search was conducted weeks after the unfortunate incident occurred and the Malaysian plane Flight MH370 went missing taking with it 239 passengers including the crew. Up till now, there are still no found traces of the plane, therefore this information of missing plane Malaysia found new search area serves a glimmer of hope, even if slight, to the passenger's loved ones.

Chief Commissioner Martin Dolan of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau detailed the missing plane Malaysia found new search area in an announcement. Dolan cited that the search will begin next week using powerful sonar equipment. The search will involve a 60,000 square kilometre (23,000 square mile) scan of the ocean floor for wreckage.

Dolan said, "All the trends of this analysis will move the search area south of where it was. Just how much south is something that we're still working on. There was a very complex analysis and there were several different ways of looking at it. Specialists have used several different methodologies and bringing all of that work together to get a consensus view is what we're finalizing at the moment."

Dolan also added that he expects that the crash site would probably be hundreds of miles south of where a remote-controlled underwater drone scoured the sea bed. There have been reports of suspected acoustic signals from the Boeing 777's black boxes found there. Unfortunately, those signals are now thought to have come from some other sources.

According to Dolan, missing plane Malaysia found new search area might not be as far southwest of the coastal city of Perth as compared to the initial air search.

Missing plane Malaysia found new search area came after a dead-end search the previous month. The search focused on suspected flight recorder signals which supposedly provided clues to the final location of the plane.

Flight MH370, Malaysia airlines, Travel news, World news, Travel, World
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