Children hurt cannon explosion occurred as a supposed Civil War re-enactment on Saturday turned into almost the real thing. The 10-year-old children hurt cannon explosion were reportedly rushed to the hospital as some were also engulfed in flames after the cannon malfunctioned at the Orem Summerfest parade.
In Orem, Utah, what was supposed to be a lesson in American history turned into a disaster when three children hurt cannon explosion sent them to a nearby hospital on Saturday.
According to CNN affiliate KUTV, witnesses of the children hurt cannon explosion saw two of the three children injured have been immediately engulfed in flames and set their clothes alight. Brittany Tait, one of the witnesses told KUTV, "When the flames went up in the air these three children started crying. One little girl's clothes were on fire, we're told. People were running with water to douse her."
Brad Kramer, another witness, described the children as 10-year-olds marching behind the cannon. Kramer added that as ambulances arrived, the children were taken away and the parade resumed.
The city's Department of Public Safety cited that the children hurt cannon explosion happened at the beginning of the parade. According to The Salt Lake Tribune, the unfortunate disaster occurred when the cannon, which the children were following, was fired by a Civil War re-enactment group on 800 East, just south of Center Street.
It seems that the children hurt cannon explosion was a malfunction of the cannon. According to an Orem Police news release, when the cannon went off, a spark landed on "a large pouch that contained additional charges for the cannon." The press release added that the burning flames eventually set off the gunpowder inside the pouch and blew it up, which ultimately injured three children who were part of the re-enactment group.
People watching by the side of the road rushed to the sides of children hurt cannon explosion to help and comfort the children, reports The Daily Mail. People reportedly ran from nearby homes and businesses with buckets of water. Those who helped them ripped their clothes apart, doused them in water and wrapping them in blankets afterwards. Emergency responders did their best to reach the children hurt cannon explosion and lead them to ambulances. The children were treated at the scene and taken to the hospital after the incident.
Children hurt cannon explosion involved three children, one girl and two boys. According to The Daily Mail, all children were between the ages of 10 and 12 and they suffered from first and second degree burns on their waists and arms. Though suffering from injuries, reports say they are not thought as life-threatening. On Sunday, according to the press release, the children were in stable condition after being transported to a nearby hospital. The children hurt cannon explosion have not been identified yet.
A cannon accident at an #Orem parade causes multiple injuries. More from the scene on 2News at 10.
— KUTV 2News (@KUTV2News) June 15, 2014
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