March 25, 2025 21:23 PM

12-Year-Old Girl Stabbed 19 Times: “Slender Man” Cause, Wisconsin Friends Arrested

Court Commissioner Thomas Pieper said in one of the girls' initial court appearances Monday, "I recognize their young ages but it's still unbelievable."

The girl stabbed 19 times reportedly suffered 19 stab wounds. According to The Washington Post, doctors told police that one of the stabs have missed a major artery near her heart by a millimetre. The stabbing incident occurred Saturday, and by Monday, the girl stabbed 19 times was already in stable condition. The name of the girl stabbed 19 times has not been identified in the court documents.

Meanwhile, for their court hearing, the suspects appeared wearing shackles and jail jumpsuits. They were surrounded by the sheriff's bailiffs during the whole process. One of the girls' family members was reportedly captured by reporters weeping, while a family of the other girl simply sat motionless.

Donna Kuchler, one of the girl's attorneys, said she was attempting to get her client waived into juvenile court. Kuchler escorted the girl's family out of the courtroom and told reporters that the family was horrified at the incident. Meanwhile, Joseph Smith Jr., the other girl's attorney led her family out of court. Reports say he has declined to comment.

Girl stabbed 19 times killer friends have been arrested and both girls are reportedly due back in court on June 11 for a status conference.

World news, Slender man, Wisconsin
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