March 28, 2025 18:48 PM

Very Rare Mono Mono Twins Born Ohio: Photo Goes Viral, Twins Home In Weeks

Mono mono twins birth on May 9 has gone viral. Now, the parents of the famed mono mono twins born holding hands have become somewhat of celebrity parents after they captured a photo of their mono mono twins seconds after being born.

The name of the mono mono twins babies are Jenna and Jillian. In their photo taken by their parents, the mono mono twins are seen holding hands after their birth on May 9 at the Akron General Medical Center in Ohio.

Mono mono twins father Bill Thistlethwaite said, "It's still been crazy. Everywhere we go, someone saw it. People are still talking about it." Thistlethwaite said that he and his wife, Sarah, have even been approached on Saturday by people while they were having breakfast at a diner. They were about to before visit the mono mono twins during that time. The people who approached them just wanted to know how the twins are doing and they express their good wishes.

The birth of the mono mono twins, who shared the same amniotic sac and placenta is a rare birth condition, doctors say. The condition is reportedly called monoamniotic, or "mono mono." According to doctors, the birth of mono mono twins occurs about once in every 10,000 pregnancies.

Hospital Spokeswoman Amy Kilgore said that another set of mono mono twins were born at the Akron General the following week after May 9 and they are also boding well.

Meanwhile, as their after-birth photo is going viral all over the internet, according to the Associated Press, the mono mono twins who held hands after birth may be home in weeks. The identical mono mono twins, are, according to their parents, making progress and working toward going home from the hospital.

The mono mono twins, both girls, are reportedly chugging full bottles and since birth have gained weight. Each twin is now at 5 pounds, or 2.2 kilograms, probably even more at this moment.

CBC reports that if the mono mono twins continue with their feeding milestones, they may possibly be home in just another week or two, and right in time before Father's Day.

According to the mono mono twins father, Thistlethwaite, he has been on the run to finish painting his daughters' bedroom pink. The mono mono twins also has a 16-month-old brother named Jaxon. He has reportedly already visited the girls and even managed to kisse them on the cheeks, says their father.

Mono mono twins famous photo now is certainly a thing to be kept and remembered. According to CTV News, Thistlethwaite has since then daydreamed of the a time in the future when he and his wife can finally show the famous baby photo to the mono mono twins themselves. He said, "I already feel like they're going to be best friends. They'll probably look at it and say, 'That makes sense because that's how we are."'

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