May 21, 2024 6:21 PM

World Travel

Twenty-Seven-Year-Old Traveler Visits 196 Countries In Three Years

At twenty-seven years old, Cassandra De Pecol is on the track to becoming the fastest documented world traveller in history. Since beginning her globe-trotting journey in July of 2015, she has succeeded in visiting 180 of the UN's 193 countries plus Taiwan, Palestine and Kosovo.


Oh, The Places You Should Go: 10 Exciting Spots You Should Be Going

Every place you will go to will offer a unique experience and cultural differences. You should take advantage of them, because when will you have another opportunity to experience another culture. And isn't that part of the point of travelling, to gather a deeper understanding an appreciation of another's culture and way of life. Also, some of these activities and places are just plain fun, awe inspiring, or breathtaking. So, why not?


Reflections Around the World

Part of the fun of traveling, is finding a little spot that is all yours. Whether you sit there and take in the beauty of the area, the interactions of the people, or the cultural flare this place is where you like to waste away your afternoon reflecting and enjoying life. Here are some spots to check out the next time you travel.


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