May 14, 2024 4:53 PM

Iraq news

Mosul Museum In Iraq Reclaimed; Artifacts Now In Ruins

Iraqi soldiers have reclaimed the Mosul museum, but it seemed that most of the artifacts are in ruin after the Islamic State destroyed much of the artworks. Three years ago, ISIS documented themselves smashing statues stating that the installation has caused so much veneration from the public and that it's a sin to worship more than one god.


From King Solomon’s Mine To Treasure Hunt App In London, 2017 Is Good Year For Archaeology

Archaeologists will find more interesting dig ups this year and would like the public to know more of their history and culture. More expeditions and creative initiatives have 2017 say it's the year of archaeology.


Former Palace Of Saddam Hussein Transformed Into Art And Heritage Museum

BASRA, IRAQ - The lakeside palace of former Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, has been transformed into an artefact-filled art museum. The Basra Museum is the first museum to open in the country in decades.


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