May 18, 2024 1:31 PM

flight attendant

Ryanair Passenger Fined, Harassed, and Shamed For Peeing In A Bottle On Flight

Another incident involving an airline crew and a passenger happened onboard a flight to Faro, Portugal. It involved relieving oneself of a desire to urinate but the toilets were broken.


Man Takes Off Pants On Plane, Puts Feet On The Wall

A man decides to take his off pants on a plane, raises his feet on the wall, annoys fellow passengers and gets bashed online.


Travel Tips: Most Annoying Plane Passenger Habits You Must Never Do During Flights

Personal hygiene is just one of the things that annoys plane passengers. Addressing these issues should always start from oneself, being a good example to others may just be the influence one needs to start doing the same thing.


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