May 19, 2024 5:57 AM


How To Roll Clothes To Save Space When Traveling

Rolling your clothes to fit into your suitcase is so easy! Be it trousers, pajamas, sweaters and other small clothing items, there is a technique to properly roll each item.


Five Travel Packing Mistakes Every Travellers Do And How to Avoid Them

Really, her daydream vacation is so near and within her reach. So she went to the airport and fall in line for the security check up. The officers checked her items and there she go, she forgot the guidelines and her liquid bottles are confiscated.


Wash Your Clothes When Travelling

There are times when travelling that you need to take care of your clothes and underwear, especially when they are wet from your swim earlier in the beach or pool. It's a good idea to wash some of them if you have extra time while resting out in the hotel room. Follow these steps on how to wash your clothes even when you are not in the comfort of your home.


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