May 19, 2024 5:57 AM


Travellers Beware! Summer Trips Promise To Be Hectic

A handful of Americans are expected to go on air travels this summer. However, the looming problem is that the airports in the country would likely give them a hard time as they travel.


China Buys Fresh Air Bottles from Canada

China bought out all stocks of bottled Rocky Mountains air from a Canadian company which indicates an alarming air pollution in the world's most populous country. Each can contains 7.7 litres of fresh air and costs 100 yuan or 10 pounds which costs roughly 50 times more than a regular bottle of mineral water. Most of the purchasers of the air cans come from Northeastern and Southern cities of China where pollution have reached critical levels.


Air New Zealand's 'Safety in Paradise' Best In-Flight Video Ever

Air New Zealand releases 'Safety in Paradise' to mixed reception


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