May 17, 2024 1:53 PM

abc news

Australian Government Executes Lower ‘Backpacker Tax’; Coalition Eyeing To Drop Rate To 15 Percent

A proposed new "backpacker tax" which is lower than the government's original plan for a 32.5 percent rate will help to increase number of visitors in the country.


Australian Government Executes Lower ‘Backpacker Tax’; Coalition Eyeing To Drop Rate To 15 Percent

A proposed new "backpacker tax" which is lower than the government's original plan for a 32.5 percent rate will help to increase number of visitors in the country.


Denmark Tourist Gets Seriously Injured After 'Body-Slamming' Scary Crocodile In Australia [WATCH VIDEO!]

He was walking along Lakeview Drive just outside of Kununurra at almost 9pm when he saw something floating in the water. Curious of what he has seen, he wanted to get a closer look to get a good photo. It was dark and when he leans closer to the bank he fell and body-slammed the alligator.


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