March 11, 2025 07:24 AM

There's A Museum Dedicated To Broken Hearts In LA

For people whose relationships didn't end well, or had heartbreaking experiences that you want to forget, there is actually a museum dedicated for you. The Museum of Broken Relationships is a unique museum that caters to physical possessions, or any memento that are products of past, hurtful relationships with lovers, friends or family.

Located in the Hollywood Walk Of Fame in Los Angeles, the owner, John Quinn, got the inspiration for this unique museum during a recent trip to Zagreb, Croatia last 2015. He was so moved by the museum's idea that he immediately asked the proprietors if he could set up a similar concept in Los Angeles.

The exhibits feature a wide array of mementos from past relationships, and they all come from different donations all around the world. They don't cater to specific types of relationships. You could be straight, gay, Christian or Muslim and the museum would accept any kind of stuff you want to donate along with its backstory.

During an interview, Alex Hyde, director of the museum, said: "It's important for us to put ourselves in other people's shoes and work those empathy muscles. It's reassuring to know you aren't alone when you are going through a difficult time in your life. It's nice to know that other people have the same issues across the world, that we are all stumbling when looking for human connection."

"People leave feeling profoundly connected and courageous to go out and try again, or be kinder to the people they are with. There are definitely tears and some down times for people, but they always follow up and say in a cathartic way, like how a good sad movie can be a release."

Some items on display are weird like an ex-lover's belly button lint and fake breasts. Some are more profound and moving like a promise ring and an apology card.

So how about you? Do you have stuff from past relationships you want to donate?

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