March 29, 2025 00:39 AM

Presedential Polls 2012: Gallup and Rasmussen Reports Show Romney in the Lead

According to two national presidential tracking polls, Mitt Romney has taken a lead. The Gallup Presidential tracking poll shows Romney with a 5 percent lead while the Rasmussen Reports presidential tracking poll shows Romney with a 4 percent lead nationally.

The Rasmussen Reports presidential tracking results were released on October 23 just a day after the third and final presidential debates.

For example, in the state of Connecticut, The Rasmussen report surveyed 500 likely voters and the majority said they were voting for Obama. The Rasmussen reports website states,

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Connecticut Voters shows President Obama with 52% support to Mitt Romney's 45%. One percent (1%) likes another candidate, and two percent (2%) are undecided. "

Mitt Romney has officially opened up his lead in national presidential election polls to the widest margin the race has seen in months. Rasmussen's daily updated stated, "Other than brief convention bounces, this is the first time either candidate has led by more than three points in months."

Rasmussen also reported that Romney has support from 89 percent of Republican voters while President Obama has 82 percent of Democrats.

Rasmussen also has electoral college projections which is how one candidate will actually win the election, on a state by state polling process.

The website states, "In the Rasmussen Reports Electoral College projections, the president has 237 Electoral Votes and Romney 235. The magic number needed to win the White House is 270. Seven states with 66 Electoral College votes remain Toss-ups: Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin, Colorado, Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire. "

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