March 9, 2025 10:41 AM

Computer Virus July 9: How to Check For DNS Changer Malware

Are you prepared for the internet doomsday set to hit Monday July 9?

With only a few hours left to go before nearly 64,000 internet users in America face a potential internet blackout, last minute checks are being urged to make sure your computer is clean from the DNS Changer malware virus.

The virus will only affect those with a PC running on Windows OS, therefore Mac users do not need to worry about the virus. Windows PC users may check whether they are affected by the DNS Changer malware by logging onto FBI's site, going to the McAfee site, or visiting

When visiting, the page will show either a green or red screen. If your computer is free of infection, the page will be green. But if your computer is infected, it will show red and therefore you must contact your Internet provider as soon as possible to get your DNS changed. Also log onto Google or Facebook - the two sites will automatically tell you whether your computer is infected.

Monday's problem is a result from an online advertising scam that infected over 4 million computers worldwide. When the FBI caught onto it, they realized that the servers involved in the scam would cause infected computers to lose their internet access. To divert this problem, the FBI had set up to other servers which have been connecting users to the internet. However, the server will be shut down at exactly 12:01 am. EDT Monday, which can lead to as many as 64,000 computers across the US to lose internet access.

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